People in Roses want Sant Jordi
Due to the restrictions to contain the Covid-19, in Roses it is not possible to celebrate this day with the stops in Plaça Catalunya. A place where, apart from the two bookshops and the two florists in the town, they were also invited to set up their stall in the educational institutions and centers.
But this year, the Procicat decreed some measures in which it determines that all the stops must be professional, in perimeter zones and with an access control.
For this reason, the City Council proposed to the 4 professional establishments of books and roses to be able to set up a stop at the place where the measures established by the Procicat are complied with: in the Garden of Mas de les Figueres.
And unanimously, Flors Mateu, Flors Martina, Llibreria Mas Blanch and Llibreria Galindaines, rejected the proposal and set up a stall at the doors of their establishments . And so they have done today. "It's going well, at the moment, people are excited, they come to our store and respond by buying Roses," said Frederic Sastre, manager of Flors Mateu, although he regretted that it is a pity that we can not be in Plaça Catalunya, as every year, but well, the year was fatal, so this year we can't complain ”. Frederic has revealed that for this year's St. George's Day we are offering a rose with glitter (glitter), and masks with a printed rose ”.
The prices of roses range from € 4.50 the cheapest and € 10 the most expensive in 2021.
And if people go out to buy their rose, they also do it to buy a book, "yes, people want to go out," said Pepi Barbarà, of the Galindaines Bookstore, who agreed with Frederic that, this year, the fact of setting up the stall at the door of his bookshop “is very different than if Plaça Catalunya was held, because there is a party there, although it doesn't go badly here, just like last year, that despite not selling like a normal Sant Jordi, it wasn't a disaster either ”.
And without leaving the books, it should be noted that Marc Grijalvo, who presented this past Wednesday his latest novel, Mirmanda and the Tapestry of Creation , has been this morning at the headquarters of the Roses Against Cancer Foundation signing the his book to everything he asked for on the occasion of the assignment of copyright to the entity. A signature in which he has sold out almost all the books he has brought, forty, because even once he had left, people still came in search of this adventure novel.